Imposter Syndrome - how can you believe in yourself?

Yes, impostor syndrome is a real thing.( I did go check the proper spelling, and it seems both are correct.  So, I used both - just cuz.)

Many people tell me that I come across as confident to the point of pompous, and that I come across as though I will surge through anything I want.  Well, reality is a little different.  I am as strong as I need to be, when I have to be.

As I prepare for launching a Freelance Digital Marketing/Consulting/Coaching company – I ask myself many questions – for which I have no answer.

– who will take me seriously? 
– why should I be your digital marketer?
My background is in warfare, aviation, and the strategic to tactical planning of those operations, can I make it sound like I actually know what I am talking about in Marketing?

Recently, two friends recorded a podcast episode(Spotify Link).

The discussion about Impostor Syndrome came up, and the realities of when a project starts – there are fears.  What if nobody comes or listens.  In the podcast, Mike talks about public speaking to a room of 3 – the organizer, a friend, and his sister.  Now he is being booked to tell his story by organizations that pay his expenses for him to attend. 

These discussions empower me.  I know I can pull this off, but have a substantial fears and concerns about the success of this venture.  But, like all impostors, and anal retentive, over-analytical planners – I try to find fault with everything.

I need to cut that shit out.  If you do it – you need to cut that shit out too.

Please check out Larry with the PapaSierraTangoDelta Podcast, and his chat (YouTube link) with Mike Terry from Dispatches ADV ride where they talk about mental health.  Many links are below, you can likely find the podcast on your platform of choice, but if not – the main page is included.  I encourage everyone to also follow the social pages.

